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Software & Hardware Development.


Web sites

Lovelock is all about inventions, that's why we create innovative solutions using the best technology and if doesn't exist we development.

Recent projects

Name Description Platform
International Billfish Tournament | Sitio web del Torneo Internacional de Pesca de San Carlos Sonora México. Ver HTML5 + CSS3
BLISS | Sitio web de Bliss Travel, organizador de viajes en Puerto Peñasco Sonora. Ver HTML5 + CSS3
Héctor Munro | Sitio web de Héctor Munro, diseñador gráfico y agente de bienes raices. Ver HTML5 + CSS3
SQ Advisors | Sitio web de SQ Advisors, grupo de abogados. Ver HTML5 + CSS3
1000 Lashes | Sitio web de 1000 Lashes, amplificador natural para el crecimiento de pestañas. Ver HTML5 + CSS3
Escuela Futura | Aplicación web para el registro y pago online de estudiantes de escuela futura. View more HTML5 + CSS3 + PHP + Javascript
Civil Surgeons | Aplicación web para el registro de pacientes de emigración i-693. View more HTML5 + CSS3 + PHP + Javascript
NICSS | Software de escritorio para el registro online de pacientes de emigración i-693. Java SE 8
MH Automatización | Sitio web dedicado a los servicios de automatización y diseño en procesos industriales. View more HTML5 +CSS3
Beyond Image Consulting | Sitio web de consultoría en imagen publica. View more HTML5 +CSS3
ALP & ARA Software | Administration and consult system of Arizona Laser Perfection clinic. Java SE 8 +MySQL
My red gold | Web site my red gold sonora grownd raw hot pepper. View more HTML5 +CSS3
Swann Software | Administration and consult system of Swann Oftalmology and Láser Institute. Java SE 8 +MySQL
Maverick | Smart multisensor gadget capable of detecting movement, temperature, humidity, methane and propane gas, gpl, alcohol, hydrogen for notifications/monitoring by remote (through internet/bluetooth) in your smartphone. Android 4.1 +Arduino
My Makeup Company | Web site of the make up line On! by My Makeup Co. where a line of cosmetic and professional makeup courses are display. View more HTML5 +CSS3
Alptucson | Web site of Arizona Laser Perfection, medical focus on a variety of treatments for the skin including products and services. View more HTML5 +CSS3
Marcela Flores Interior design | Web site for development of commercial and residential interior design. View more HTML5 +CSS3
AlphaMaleXR | Web site Alpha Male XR,herbal and vitamin fruit supplement that enhance sexual performance. View more HTML5 +CSS3
Recheck | Smart device for the registration of events through RFID cards (radiofrecuency identification)connected to a data base on cloud. Android 4.1 +Arduino
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About Lovelock

lovelock started in 2014 as an innovator startup in the world of technology, our philosophy is change difficult and make it simple respecting all details.

Contact | 622 227 75 73

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